
Uppingham Homes Community Land Trust is looking for individuals who support our objects, mission and values to join us as a member. You can find out more about the benefits of becoming a member and how to do so below. 


Being a member of the Uppingham Homes Community Land Trust helps us to be truly representative of the local community and guarantee democracy. As a member of Uppingham Homes Community Land Trust, you will:

In the future Uppingham Homes Community Land Trust will be able to raise large amounts of money for investment through issuing new community shares specifically designated for that purpose. Those shares may carry a risk or return that may be of interest to community-minded investors.


In accordance with Rule C13 (UHCLT Rule Book) application for Membership is open to:

a) Any individual over the age of 18 living and/or working and/or owns land in the parishes of Preston, Wing, Glaston, Bisbrooke, Seaton, Lyddington, Thorpe By Water, Caldecott, Stoke Dry, Belton, Wardley, Ridlington, Ayston and Uppingham

b) Any corporate or un-corporate body active in the above parishes (represented by a nominated individual) which supports the objects of the Trust and agrees to be bound by its Rules

Membership requires the purchase of a share to the value of £1. To become a Member an application form should be filled out and sent to the UHCLT Administrative office accompanied by the £1 share purchase. When considering applications for membership, the UHCLT Board will consider each application on its merits having regard to the rules of UHCLT, its policies and its objectives.


If you would like to leave a donation but do not wish to be a member you can do so by filling out the contact details section and using the postage/payment details on the Membership Application form.