How It Works

As a community land trust, Uppingham Homes will offer housing to those who meet the relevant eligibility criteria and have a need for the type of housing we offer. We provide an alternative route to property ownership outside of what is available on the open property market.


To be eligible for housing through Uppingham Homes CLT there are a few criteria that applicants are expected to meet, including the following:

• primarily be between the ages of 18 and 35 at the time of purchase

• be unable to purchase, outright or with a mortgage, a home of suitable size and location for their household needs on the open property market

• have a household income of no more than £80, 000

• be able to meet the one-off costs involved and through capital or mortgage be able to fund their share of the purchase 

• be able to demonstrate a housing need

For more information please see the shared ownership - sales, re-sales and allocations housing policy.

How to apply

If you are interested in one of our affordable homes please download and complete an Expression of Interest Form.